
  • # 炉石传说
  • # 炉石DIY


  • Midjourney简介
  • prompt(提示词)简述
  • 使用示例
  • 制作限制
  • 其他图片
  • 版权和权益相关


Midjourney是一个AI图像生成平台,用户注册 Discord 并加入 MJ 的服务器即可开始创作,详细方法这里不做赘述,如果有需要可在评论区留言,我会另外在写一篇文章来讲述。本篇主要介绍如何用prompt来绘制炉石传说风格的图片。


清月华灯 2024-01-12





hearthstone card of a cartoon a (卡牌名称) character card,hearthstone illustration aesthetics, 2d game art, (炉石画师) artwork, classic academia, in the style of brushwork mastery, heavy shading, (色调一) and (色调二), energic style, bold and energetic, playful caricature::909 --ar (画布比例) --niji 5


hearthstone illustration aesthetics, a (卡牌名称) by hearthstone artist, (炉石画师)artwork, hyper exaggerated features, (色调一) and (色调二), in the style of colorful caricature, reimagined by industrial light and magic, 2d game art, strong diagonals, full body, in the style of muted colorscape mastery , d&d, inspired chara designed character, sharp attention to detail, dynamic staging, strong use of contrast --ar (画布比例) --niji 5


hearthstone card of a cartoon a (Treant Researche) character card,hearthstone illustration aesthetics, 2d game art, Arthur Gimaldinov artwork, classic academia, in the style of brushwork mastery, heavy shading, (Brown) and (Azure), energic style, bold and energetic, playful caricature::909 --ar 14:19 --niji 5

hearthstone card of a cartoon (Plague Doctor) character card,hearthstone illustration aesthetics, 2d game art, joe madureira and alex horley artwork, classic academia, in the style of brushwork mastery, heavy shading, (Ghostly) and (Ethereal), energic style, bold and energetic, playful caricature::909 --ar 14:19 --niji 5

hearthstone illustration aesthetics, a (Fel Fire Treant Lord) by hearthstone artist, Arthur Gimaldinov artwork, hyper exaggerated features, (Dark Green) and (Black), in the style of colorful caricature, reimagined by industrial light and magic, 2d game art, strong diagonals, full body, in the style of muted colorscape mastery , d&d, inspired chara designed character, sharp attention to detail, dynamic staging, strong use of contrast --ar 14:19 --niji 5

有些时候会遇到角色过大,无法塞进卡框里,这时候可以点击如下选项【Zoom Out 1.5x】或 【Zoom Out 2x】



  • 目前的模型制作法术需要手动描绘场景,如"一名人类向一只恶魔施放火球术”
  • Midjourney可能不能正确绘制一些与原本形象冲突角色,如炉石传说中的鱼人,狗头人


Gunster Owl


Treant Alchemist


Underworld Living Slime




作者@清月华灯,觉得有用的话麻烦点个赞吧~ 如果有任何关于AI绘图的问题也可以留言,如果需要更基础的讲解也会再出一篇文章。

1月14日 发布于加拿大
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