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Rotation: Another Time Around


With a new year and a new set comes a new Standard Rotation, and I wanted to take some time to talk through our design process and preview some of the cards leaving (and returning to) Standard. Although LoR PVP will be changing a lot in the future, we still want both Standard and Eternal to feel like healthy formats with their own diverse metagame and Rotation is key to that. We’re making some surprising changes across all cards this Rotation, but for this article, I’m going to focus on the Champions (and maybe sneak in some non-champion hints where I can).




Some Things Never Change (Unless You Make Them) - The Linear Champs

有些事情永远不会改变(除非你改变它们): 线性英雄





I’m starting with this group to rip the band-aid off right away - yes, we are rotating Lurk, Darkness, and (much of) Nightfall. We knew this change would be controversial, because these decks have extremely dedicated fan bases and have been fixtures in LoR for a long time. But this is also precisely why we feel like they need a break from Standard.

我首先谈论这个组合,直截了当地撕破伤口 —— 是的,我们正在将潜伏、黑暗以及(大部分)夜临卡组加入轮换池。我们知道这个改变会引起争议,因为这些套牌拥有非常忠实的粉丝群,并且在《LoR》中已经存在很长时间了。但这也正是为什么我们觉得它们需要从标准模式中休息一下的原因。


In design, we sometimes refer to an archetype as being “linear,” which means that decks of that archetype only care about cards specifically and narrowly tuned to their archetype. Lurk is a great example of a highly linear deck - you only want to put cards in your deck that say “Lurk,” and it’s hard for us to make Lurk cards that other decks want without unbalancing the Lurk deck. This also means that it’s very hard to design new cards that might interest a Lurk player but are also appealing to other players. The end result is that Lurk decklists barely change, and facing them becomes very repetitive.

在设计中,我们有时将一个套牌类型称为“线性”,这意味着该套牌类型只关心特定和狭窄调整为其套牌类型的卡牌。潜伏是高度线性套牌的一个很好的例子 - 你只想将标注为“潜伏”的卡牌放入你的套牌中,而我们很难设计出其他套牌也想要的潜伏卡牌,而不会破坏潜伏套牌的平衡。这也意味着很难设计出可能吸引潜伏玩家但也吸引其他玩家的新卡牌。最终结果是潜伏套牌的牌表几乎不会改变,与之交战变得非常重复。


Linear decks aren’t inherently bad, but they become a lot more interesting when they aren’t always around, hanging out just below the top tier and ready to strike after each new balance patch. Standard is a healthier environment if the decks you’re facing change over time, and rotating Linear archetypes in and out lets us create that variety without having to nerf Pyke for the 8th time. We’re also rotating back in the Vladimir/Braum Scars archetype, a linear deck that may look a little bit different after its time in Eternal. 



While they’re on rotation vacation, these decks will still be around in Eternal, and we’re considering how often we want to make that format available going forward. Also, much like an Owlcat glued to the Bandle Tree, Path of Champions does not rotate, and we’ll keep adding more champs (including linear ones) to that game mode.




What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger - The “Needs Improvement” Champs

所谓“击不倒你的会使你更强大” : “需要改进”的英雄





We want every champ that hits the table to feel like it’s worthy of that title, but let’s be honest - they don’t always land where you want them to. Even if every champ has its own set of fans who will swear that it’s totally B-Tier if you believe hard enough, there are some who have struggled to become relevant. But they don’t have to stay that way, and sometimes all you need is a quick Eternal vacation (and some Live Patch Surgery) to come back living your best life. In Eternal, we can take bigger risks since the format is more powerful and less likely to tip over due to a balance change.



“But Walrus,” you say, “Thresh, Yasuo, and Vi didn’t receive ANY buffs in Eternal!” Which is true, but as any Yasuo player will tell you, “Just wait, we scale.” With Standard having a lower power level, we’re bringing back a couple rotated champs that we think can be more competitive in the lower power format and struggled to make a dent in Eternal. One of the great things about a changing format like Standard is that strength is very context dependent - a few new tools can be all you need to go from hard times to hard to beat.

“但是,海象先生,”你说,“锤石、亚索和蔚在永恒模式中都没有接受任何加强!”这是事实,但就像任何亚索玩家会告诉你的那样,“等着瞧,我们会变得更强大。”由于标准模式的超模程度较低,我们将一些在永恒模式中难以打入市场的英雄重新引入,并认为它们在较低模型水平的格式中可以更具竞争力。标准模式的一个伟大之处在于力量是非常依赖背景的 - 一些新的工具可能是你从艰难时期走向难以战胜的唯一所需。



Better Off Alone - The Breakup Champs

独善其身 : 分手英雄




Speaking of changing context, our next set of champs are all about stepping out of their comfort zones and into a new and exciting life on their own. For much of LoR, we have designed champs as pairs (or threes) with related mechanics. There’s a lot of merit to this design strategy, as it gives the champ a natural home and gives some straightforward deckbuilding hooks for new mechanics. But it can also lock certain champs together, causing certain dominant strategies to become repetitive.



These locked pairings can also mean that a champion is balanced around their strongest use case, and can’t really broaden their horizons. Hecarim/Zed is a mostly known quantity - but can Hecarim/Azir bring a different flavor of Ephemeral aggro to Standard? Where will Jayce go now that his mentor Heimerdinger has left the format? Will Gangplank and Miss Fortune succeed with their old first mates marooned in Eternal? Well, maybe that last one isn’t the best example, but we still want to see what new synergies emerge once the more clear choices are taken away.

这些固定的配对也意味着英雄是围绕其最强大的用法平衡的,并且不能真正拓展他们的视野。赫卡里姆/劫的组合基本上已知 - 但赫卡里姆/阿兹尔能够为标准模式带来不同风格的瞬逝套牌吗?杰斯现在会去哪里,因为他的导师海默丁格已经离开了此模式?普朗克和厄运小姐在永恒模式中重逢,他们能否成功?嗯,也许最后一个例子不是最好的例子,但是我们仍然想看看在更明显的选择被剥夺后,新的协同效应会产生什么样的新变化。


Embrace the Unexpected, Even If It Scares You - The Weird Champs

拥抱意外,即使它让你感到害怕 : 奇怪的英雄




Some of the most controversial archetypes in LoR have one thing in common - alternate win conditions. Sometimes this is literal (like Ryze and his World Runes), but sometimes it also means having a strategy that is unique enough that the opponent struggles to interact with it normally - such as Riven buffing a unit to 40 attack out of nowhere, or Bard doot-dooting his way to 300 chimes, or Aatrox Ending the World and running you over with huge Darkin. As my deck collection of 20 different Ryze decks can attest, these unique strategies can be really exciting to play, but they can also be very frustrating to play against. Because they operate slightly off the normal axis of the game, they’re cool when they’re the unlikely underdog who surprises you with a strong match, and infuriating when they’re meta dominant and you have to bend over backwards to combat them.

在《LoR》中,一些最具争议的套牌类型有一个共同点 - 备用赢牌条件。有时这是字面意义上的(比如瑞兹和他的世界符文),但有时也意味着拥有一种独特的策略,让对手难以正常互动 - 例如锐雯突然将一个单位的攻击力提升到40,或者巴德一路“咚咚”地获得300颗风铃,或者亚托克斯终结世界并用巨大的暗裔碾压你。正如我20套不同瑞兹套牌的卡组收藏所证明的那样,这些独特的策略玩起来确实非常令人兴奋,但在对战中也可能非常令人沮丧。因为它们略微偏离了游戏的正常轴线,所以当它们成为意想不到的劣势者,通过强大的对局来惊喜你时,它们是很酷的;但当它们成为主导元游戏并且你不得不为对抗它们而四处张望时,它们会让人非常恼火。


These strategies are important to keeping the game fresh - they inspire deckbuilders, create memorable moments, and keep every matchup from being a units-versus-removal affair. But that variety starts to fall flat when the same alternate win conditions stick around. As the name suggests, these decks need to alternate to stay fresh, and that’s why we’re taking out some familiar faces and bringing back Fiora and Taric. While Fiora has been dominant in the past, we felt like she hit a good balance right before the first Rotation, and she’s primed for a return. Similarly, while Taric was dominant with Poppy before his trip to Eternal, we want to bring him back without his Bandle buddy because his Support-centric gameplan is so unique.

这些策略对于保持游戏的新鲜度非常重要 - 它们激发了套牌构筑者的灵感,创造了令人难忘的时刻,并且防止每场对局都变成单位与清除的比赛。但当相同的备用赢牌条件保持不变时,这种多样性开始变得单调。正如其名称所暗示的那样,这些套牌类型需要交替才能保持新鲜感,这就是为什么我们要去掉一些熟悉的面孔并重新引入菲奥娜和塔里克的原因。虽然菲奥娜过去曾占据主导地位,但我们觉得她在第一次轮转之前达到了良好的平衡,现在她已经准备好回归。同样地,尽管塔里克在他和波比一起的时候很厉害,但我们想把他带回来,没有班德尔的伙伴,因为他的支持中心的游戏规划非常独特。



Goodbye Doesn’t Mean Forever - The Texture Champs

告别并不意味着永远的分别 :纹理英雄




There are a lot of very familiar, popular names in that list, so let’s take a brief moment of silence (or celebration).



Thank you. This group of rotation champs is all about fulfilling a major goal for this and future rotations - making Standard feel meaningfully different from both Eternal and previous Standard formats. For the first rotation, we had to focus our energy on establishing a new power level for Standard, and I do think we hit that goal. But because we left in a number of format stalwarts, the Standard meta often looked a lot like things we had seen before. Champs like Seraphine and Akshan can play in a number of different decks, but the general experience of them is often the same, no matter which format they’re in. And as long as they stayed strong, they’d always be leading the conversation of what decks were playable.

谢谢。这组轮转英雄都是为了实现当前和未来轮转的一个重要目标 - 使标准模式在感觉上与永恒模式和之前的标准模式有着显著的不同。对于第一次轮转,我们必须集中精力为标准模式建立一个新的能力水平,我确实认为我们达到了这个目标。但因为我们保留了许多格式的老牌强者,标准模式的元游戏往往看起来与之前看到的很相似。像萨勒芬妮和阿克尚这样的英雄可以出现在许多不同的套牌中,但无论它们出现在哪种格式中,通常的体验都是一样的。只要它们保持强势,它们就会一直引领着关于可玩套牌的讨论。


You’ll also probably notice that a lot of the champs in this list are very spell-centric, and that’s not an accident. Because of LoR’s core rules, spells and reactivity have a natural advantage. Saving spell mana, using the stack to react to your opponent’s plays, and the limited number of units you can have at one time all mean that the game engine favors playing lots of spells anyways - and these “spellslinger” champs really lean into that advantage. This also makes spell-centric champs much harder to nerf, because their most potent advantages are in how synergistic their decks are, rather than what’s on the champion card. Since these strategies have been dominant for so long, we want to try Standard with fewer options in this space and see how the meta evolves.

您还可能会注意到,这个列表中的许多英雄都非常依赖法术,这不是偶然的。由于《LoR》的核心规则,法术和反应性具有自然的优势。节省法术法力,利用堆栈对对手的出牌做出反应,以及一次只能拥有有限数量单位,这些都意味着游戏引擎本来就有利于玩更多的法术 - 这些“法术施法者”英雄确实利用了这一优势。这也使得依赖法术的英雄变得更难以削弱,因为他们的最强优势在于他们的套牌是如何协同的,而不是英雄卡上的内容。由于这些策略已经统治了很长时间,我们希望在这个领域提供更少的选项,看看元游戏如何**。


While it’s important for all rotating cards, I do specifically want to call out for these champs - we do not want to lock them in Eternal forever. For Standard to make sense as a thriving format, we need future rotations, and the team is already planning for that as I write this. While we want to take a break from Fizz showing up every time we print new Bilgewater cards, there’s almost certainly a world where he can slip back into Standard, and the same is true for most (if not all) of the champs leaving during this rotation.

尽管对于所有轮转的卡牌都很重要,但我确实特别想为这些英雄们打call - 我们不想让他们永远锁定在永恒模式中。为了使标准模式成为一个繁荣的格式,我们需要未来的轮转,而团队正在我写这篇文章时已经计划了这一点。尽管我们希望菲兹不会在每次我们发布新的比尔沃特卡牌时都出现,但几乎可以肯定有一天他能够重新进入标准模式,对于这次轮转离开的大多数(如果不是全部)英雄来说,情况也是如此。




But Wait… There’s More

不过等等… 还有更多

If you’ve made it this far, you’ve seen all of the champs that will make up the new Standard environment - but you cannot build a deck with champs alone. While I can’t list off all of the rotating cards here, I can give a couple hints about what you can expect in the upcoming season:

如果您已经读到这里,您已经看到了将组成新标准环境的所有英雄 - 但您不能仅凭英雄建立套牌。虽然我无法在这里列出所有轮转的卡牌,但我可以给出一些关于即将到来的赛季可以期待什么的提示:

  • An old ally that also might be something for Neeko to look into
  • 一个旧朋友,也许是妮蔻值得考虑的对象

  • A spell that deals 4 damage to the enemy Nexus
  • 一个对敌方水晶造成4点伤害的法术

  • A fearsome version of an old friend
  • 一个关于某个老朋友的威吓版本

  • A mighty monster that’s good to have on hand
  • 一个上手会很舒服的强大的怪物

  • A stunning return, and another that costs twice as much for twice the effect
  • 一个惊人的(击晕/震撼的)回归,还有一个效果加倍的回归

  • The best blocker for when you want to kill your opponent
  • 当您想要击败对手时,最好的阻挡者

  • A way to really punish those sleeping on the job
  • 一种真正惩罚那些懒散的方法

  • A card that has a lot of synergy with one new mechanic (and very little synergy with another)
  • 一张与一种新机制具有很强的协同效应的卡牌(与另一种几乎没有协同效应)

  • Woof Woof Woof Woof Woof
  • 汪汪汪





























4月16日 发布于江苏
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