
- # 符文之地传说
- # lor英雄之路
- # lor官方公告
- # lor新闻资讯
Hello players,
Eric Shen here, Executive Producer for Legends of Runeterra. Today I’m here to discuss how we’re changing our approach to new-to-LoR champions thanks to the feedback you’ve given us around the releases of Fiddlesticks, Ambessa, and Warwick.
我是《符文之地传说》的执行制作人 Eric Shen。今天我想和大家讨论一下,根据你们在费德提克、安博萨和沃里克发布时给予的反馈,我们将如何改变引入新英雄的方式。
TL;DR 要点总结
We’ll be revisiting the way we make new champions for LoR to improve the look, feel, and sound quality for future champion releases, and retroactively apply those changes to Ambessa, and Warwick.
- 我们将重新审视制作《符文之地传说》新英雄的方式,以提升未来英雄发布时的外观、感受和音效质量,并将这些改变追溯应用到安蓓萨和沃里克身上。
We will be postponing the release of new-to-LoR champions for now, including one we had planned for December. This means we will only release three new champions in 2024, not the four we announced previously. You’ll see just one champion making their way from PvP into PvE in December.
- 我们目前将推迟新英雄的发布,包括原计划于 12 月推出的一个新英雄。这意味着 2024 年我们将只发布三个新英雄,而非之前宣布的四个。12 月你们将只会看到一个英雄从 PvP 进入 PvE 模式。
How we came to these decisions 决策过程
Since Fiddlesticks joined the TPoC roster in October, we’ve been closely listening to your feedback about what’s working and what’s missing from new-to-LoR champions. While we loved seeing your excitement about our new mechanics for Fiddlesticks, the Legends of Arcane adventures, and Warwick and Ambessa’s kits, we’ve also heard the disappointment of folks who miss VO, flavor text, support allies/spells, and unique champion level up moments. Since we focused LoR around TPoC back in January and, frankly, started working with a smaller team and smaller budget, we’ve been trying to find the right balance between quality and quantity. It’s all about hitting that sweet spot—delivering the high-quality content you deserve while also making sure there’s enough new content to keep the game feeling fresh and exciting.
自 10 月费德提克加入 “英雄之路” 阵容以来,我们一直在密切关注你们对于新英雄的反馈,包括哪些方面做得好,哪些方面有所缺失。虽然我们很高兴看到你们对费德提克的新机制、“奥术传说” 冒险以及沃里克和安蓓萨的技能组合感到兴奋,但我们也听到了一些玩家的失望声音,他们想念语音、风味文本、支援友军 / 法术以及独特的英雄升级时刻。自从 1 月我们将《符文之地传说》的重点围绕 “英雄之路” 展开,并且坦率地说,开始与一个较小的团队和较少的预算合作以来,我们一直在努力寻找质量与数量之间的平衡。关键在于找到那个最佳平衡点 —— 提供你们应得的高质量内容,同时确保有足够的新内容让游戏保持新鲜感和刺激感。
After considerable discussion with the team, we’ve decided to regroup and rethink how we can deliver better champion experiences while still maintaining a balance between quality and the pace of new content. It will take some time, but for now, what we can say is that we’re in the early stages of exploring the following areas:
- New cards to support all new-to-LoR champions, and adding flavor text to those new cards, not just to champions
- 为所有新英雄设计新卡牌,并为这些新卡牌添加风味文本,而不仅仅是为英雄添加;
- Options for more SFX to champions and new cards
- 为英雄和新卡牌增加更多音效选项;
- The champion level up experience
- 英雄升级体验;
- Voiceover (“VO”) for champions
- 英雄语音(“VO”)
This will be the most challenging of content types for multiple reasons including implementation complexities that come with the tech supporting in-game VO. 这将是最具挑战性的内容类型,原因有多个,包括游戏内语音支持技术带来的实施复杂性。
As we do this work, we’ll be pausing the release of any new-to-LoR champs for now, as we figure out what we’re able to do and the timeframes that we can do them in. In the meantime, we’ll be focusing on bringing existing PvP champs over to TPoC, and finding alternate ways to bring excitement to LoR that match the hype of a brand new champ. Once we’ve finalized our approach and the steps needed to make it happen for future releases, we’ll also retroactively bring these updates to both Ambessa and Warwick to ensure they match the standards we’re aiming for. As part of this effort, we’ve decided to postpone the release of new-to-LoR champions for now, including one that was originally planned for December. This means you’ll see just one champion in December, bringing the total to three new champions in 2024 instead of the four we initially announced.
在我们开展这项工作时,我们将暂时停止发布任何新英雄,直到我们确定能够做什么以及在什么时间框架内完成。在此期间,我们将专注于将现有的 PvP 英雄引入 “英雄之路”,并寻找其他方式为《符文之地传说》带来与全新英雄发布相匹配的兴奋感。一旦我们确定了方法以及未来发布所需的步骤,我们也将追溯性地为安蓓萨和沃里克带来这些更新,以确保它们符合我们的目标标准。作为这项努力的一部分,我们决定暂时推迟新英雄的发布,包括原计划于 12 月推出的一个新英雄。这意味着 12 月你们将只会看到一个英雄,使 2024 年的新英雄总数为三个,而不是我们最初宣布的四个。
Ultimately, Legends of Runeterra still stands today because of you, our players, and the overwhelming passion you’ve shown for the game over the years. We know how much this community cares, and the team is proud to do its best to deliver the game you love. Thank you all for your feedback, your dedication, and for playing Legends of Runeterra.